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Send A Text Message To A Contest Winner

These are the steps if you need to send a text message directly to a contest winner. This feature can only be used to send information and cannot be used for marketing in any way.

  • Login to SPARC Media Hub using your favourite browser
  • Select AdminCP from the sidebar (If you do not see AdminCP, you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Select Prize Management from the sub-menu. (If you do not see Prize Management, you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Select Winner List (If you do not see Winner List, you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Locate the winner you’d like to send a text message to. You can search or scroll through the list of winners. To search winners who have already claimed their prize click the Claimed Prizes button the top right-hand corner.

  • Once you’ve located your winner click the blue Info & Media Files button
  • Locate the Send Text Message section directly below the Media Files Section on the right
  • If you only have multiple texting lines, use the dropdown to select which number you’d like to send this text from.
  • Enter the body of the text and click the green “Send Text Message” button.
  • If the winner replies, they will arrive in the main texting platform. To learn more about SPARC Media Hub’s texting platform, click HERE.