Unleash the Power of SPARC Media Hub
A unique and beautiful workflow system for radio stations. Stay on top of everything promotions and creative. Make your competition wonder how.
A Workflow that is made for Radio People, by Radio People.
A stunning design that is also mobile friendly.
Your data is secure and backed up regularly.
Collaborate across your entire company with ease.
Built For Radio
An amazing tool for radio stations to stay organized,
increase revenue and efficiency!
Built-In Texting
Engage with your listeners using SPARC Media Hub's texting software. Text winners when prizes are ready, manage contest entries with keywords and save your favourite texts for your shows!
Phone Screener
Know who is calling, banned from winning prizes or a great caller before answering your phone! Control your Telos Phones, Create Calling Queues and more with SPARC Media Hub Phone Screener.
Campaign Manager
Create campaigns for your clients and see everything for that campaign in one place. Track your campaign progress to ensure it starts on time, and get notified when its about to expire.
Qualifier List
Create a prize qualifier list and start collecting information about your winners. Have SPARC Media Hub select a random winner or pick a winner from your list. Easily convert the qualifier to a winner.
Custom Prep Sheets
Build your show all within SPARC Media Hub's Prep Sheet Builder. Link posts from your favourite websites, on air mentions, prizes and more, so nothing gets missed.
Tags / Mentions Tracker
Track all your paid liners and their execution times. Assign live mentions to announcers and view or print a report indicating all execution times. Never miss a mention ever again.
SPARC Media Hub will automatically email winners prize pick up information using templates you've created! It will also email winners a certain number of days before a prize expires so they don't miss a prize!
Event Management
View and manage all your resources for station events or live remotes. Assign tasks to specific announcers or street team, directions, assign promo items to take and give detailed instructions on how to execute the perfect event.
Creative Workflow
Manage one or multiple markets with SPARC Media Hub's intuitive creative dashboard. Quickly assign writers and producers to tasks and see everything in real-time. You can also send voice requests and voice request reminders to staff in other markets with ease.
Change the way you do promotions. Forever.
With SPARC Media Hub, you get the tools and help needed to execute the perfect promotional campaign everytime.
Contact Us Today
Free Trial
Contact us today for a free trial or demo. We will show you how SPARC Media Hub can improve efficiencies, revenue and overall customer satisfaction.
Email us for more info at
Already in a Contract?
Want SPARC Media Hub but already in a contract? We will give you free access until your contract is up!
Email us for more info at