1. As soon as a winner is added into SPARC an automated email will be sent to the winner to fill out their eligibility form. This email is completely custom, and may look different for your station.

2. The winner just needs to click the link in the email to complete their eligibility form
This can be done on a computer, tablet or phone.

3. The winner will start to enter their address and a dropdown will appear with verified address to ensure you get the correct address.

4. The winner will just click the verified address in the dropdown and the form will pre-fil with their address.

5. Click on Address…

6. Next the winner will upload a picture of their driver's license or government issued ID.
The winner just needs to click the "Choose File" button on the uploader.

7. Once a photo has been uploaded they will see a preview of the photo.
The cartoon photo of a license is for demo purposes only, the winner would see a preview of the actual photo they uploaded.

8. Then they would just click on Submit Form

9. You will receive an email notifying you that a new eligibility form has been completed.
Just click the link and it will take you directly to the winner's contest win profile.

10. Once you're on the winner's contest win profile, click the green "Check Eligibility Status" button.

11. On the pop-up screen, you'll see the winner's address and any other fields you required them to fill out on the eligibility form.
In our example we asked for date of birth.

12. To view the uploaded photo of the winner's ID, click "View Uploaded License"

13. You will then see the photo of the ID and the winner's information.

14. If everything looks good, click on Confirm Eligibility

15. If no changes need to be made to the information provided, click "Yes, Winner is Eligible."

16. Once eligibility is confirmed the winner will receive another automated email asking them to sign your station's winner release form. This email is completely custom, and may look different for your station.
The winner just clicks on the link to complete the release form/waiver.

17. If the winner has hit your threshold for the cumulative prize winning limit for taxation, they will be asked to provide their SSN and complete a W9 form before they can sign the winner release form/waiver.

18. The winner will enter their SSN in the field provided.

19. Then they will click on Next Step

20. The next screen will show them a completed W9 form with their information pre-filled.

21. They just need to scroll down and sign in the "Signature field"

22. Then click on Save Signature

23. On the next screen, the winner will see your winner release form/waiver.

24. They will also see any additional notes you've provided when the contest was created.

25. They will again sign in the "Signature" field provided.

26. Click on Save Signature

27. Then click on Confirm & Save
The winner may need to scroll to the bottom of the page if your release form is long.

28. They will then receive a "Thank You!" message.

29. You should receive an email notifying you that a winner has completed their release form/waiver. It will give some information about the winner and a direct link to their contest win profile.

30. If the winner is picking up the prize in-person, you can mark the prize as "Claimed" by clicking on the green "Claim Prize" button.

31. Check off the "Was ID requested during pick up?" to clarify that you checked their ID in-person.

32. Then click on Claim Prize on pop up window

33. Once on the winner's contest win profile, click "View Pick Up Info" to mark the prize as claimed/distributed.

34. Click on Mark as Claimed

35. You can make any notes to put on this contest win profile here. This can be left blank. If you're ready, click "Marked as Claimed" and you're done!