1. Click on AdminCP

2. Click on Contest Management

3. Click on New Local Contest

4. Give your contest a title.

5. Add any information you'd like to relay to the on-air team.

6. If your contest is sponsored by a client, select the client from the "Client" dropdown menu.

7. You can also search the dropdown by typing the client's name in the field provided.

8. You can add additional information to display to the winner on the waiver signature page.

9. You can change the font size, color, alignment etc.

10. This message will appear above the prize waiver the winner signs.

11. Select the station this contest will air on.

12. Select your daypart for this contest.
You can assign this contest to multiple shows by checking off all that apply.

13. There are two options for "Contest Type". Recurring and One Time.
"Recurring" will happen over a specific date range and recur on specific days of the week.
"One Time" happens on one specific day. If One Time Giveaway is selected, select a date and move on to the next steps.

14. If you select Recurring Contest, select the days of the week for this contest.

15. In our example, we'll select Mon-Fri.
If your contest happens every Friday for 3 weeks, only select Friday here.

16. Select the start and end dates by clicking on the date field directly below your days of the week.

17. Choose the start date on the first calendar.

18. You can use the left/right arrows on the calendar to move through months.

19. Choose the end date on the second/right-hand calendar.

20. Click on Apply

21. There are two options for "Contest Execution Time." "Floating" and "Specific Time."
Floating can either be an ongoing contest that can have a winner on a random day but not every day or floating each day in a show meaning they can execute the contest at whatever time they'd like during their show.

22. If you select Specific Time, you will see a new option directly below to pick a time for the show to execute this contest.

23. Choose your assigned time by clicking anywhere in the "Time Specific" field.
Hours are on the left, minutes are on the right. Click the "AM/PM" button to toggle between the two.

24. There are five Prize Delivery Options.
Listener will pick up at station" - The prize will be picked up by the winner at the station.
Specify Other Pickup Instructions” - Allows you to specify how the winner will receive the prize (prize will be emailed, available at venue's will call, available at client's store location etc.)
"Ship to Listener - Pick Up Option Available" - The prize can be shipped to the winner or picked up at the station. When the winner's information is collected by the on-air team, the options will be displayed on the winner form.
"Ship to Listener - Other Pickup Option Available" - The prize can be shipped or winner will receive the prize not at your station (prize will be emailed, available at venue's will call, available at client's store location etc.) When the winner's information is collected by the on-air team, the options will be displayed on the winner form.
"Ship to Listener - No Pickup Available". There is no pickup option available, the prize will be shipped to the winner.

25. In our example we'll select "Specify other pickup instructions"

26. Provide details for how the winner will receive the prize
We'll say "Gift cards will be emailed to winners."

27. Prize Available Now?
If the prize is available for pickup either at the station or a delivery method that you’ve specified select “Yes, Prize Available Now”. If the prize is not ready for pickup select “No, Prize is Unavailable”.

28. If you need to separate cash prizes from tangible prizes select "Tangible" or "Cash" in the "Prize Type" dropdown.

29. Allow Custom Prize Value
Allows the announcer that’s giving the prize away to change the value of the prize. This is typically used in contests where the value changes depending on how well the contest player does playing the contest. I.E – A contest where the player gets $10 for each correct answer they give or $1000 if they answer all 10 questions correctly.

30. Default Prize Value
If the prize value doesn't change from contest to contest, assign the prize a monetary value.

31. Attach a Prize
Click in the Prize Tracker field to search for prizes in your Prize Tracker list.
If you haven't created any prizes in the Prize Tracker, see the help guide on Adding a Prize to the Prize Tracker

32. If this contest in a Qualifying contest, where you take qualifiers then give away a grand prize at the end, select "Yes, Qualifier List". If this is a standard contest where each contest occasion has a winner, select "No, Winner List."

33. Click on Manage Prize Assignments

34. Here you will assign the minimum and maximum number of winners this contest can have.
If you are doing a contest where the player may lose and win nothing, assign the minimum to 0 and the maximum to 1. This would also apply to any ongoing "Floating Contest."

35. Click on Create Contest, and you're done!

36. If you are creating the exact same contest for another station or another date, you can click "Create Prize Giveaway and Duplicate." This will assign the contest you just created and pre-fill a new contest form with the exact same information.