1. Click on the contest you'd like to add a winner to.

2. This will show you a screen with all the past winners and is where you can add a new winner to the contest.

3. Entered the winner's phone number in the "Add Winner" section.
We always start with a phone number since it's a unique identifier for the winner.

4. Click on Search Winner Before Adding

5. If the number entered matches any results in your winner database, they will be displayed here. Click on the name of the person you'd like to add as a winner.
An example of a time that you would see multiple winners listed would be if the number they provided was a family who lived in the same household and use a landline number.

6. SPARC will auto-populate any existing information previously entered for that person.
You can change any of the information that was previously entered.

7. If you see a yellow bar across the top, that indicates that the winner has won within your prize rule window.
Click on this banner and you will see all the prizes that person has won.

8. The winner's prize history will pop up. Any prizes highlighted in yellow are prizes that are within your prize window rule.

9. If you enter a winner's phone number and there's no matches in your winner database, a blank form will appear.

10. Enter the winner's first name

11. Then their last name

12. Next enter the winner's email address.

13. The winner's phone number will auto-populate but you can edit this if needed.

14. If your winner has another phone number they'd like on file, enter it here.

15. Enter the winner's city of residence.

16. If the contest prize value changes with each giveaway, you would entered the prize value that this winner has won.

17. Anything below the "Prize Value" field is custom to your station so may be different that what is listed in this example.

18. Next add the winner's birthdate by using the built-in calendar.

19. To change the year, click on the Month and Year at the top of the calendar.

20. Use the back arrows to select years that are further back.

21. Click on the winner's birth year.

22. Select the month.

23. Then the date.

24. You can add any additional comments in the "Other Comments" field.
Ex. "His son Teddy will pick up the prize."

25. When you're all done, click Add Winner and you're done!