Frequently asked questions

Account Settings

If you forgot your password, please go to this link to reset your password. Our system will send you another email with a special link to securely reset your password.

Reach out to someone within your building in an administrative position. They may not have added you to your market yet.


Currently we integrate only with Telos VX Phone Hybrids. Telos Nx6, Nx12, Hx6 and Hx12 systems are a case by case basis.

Currently, we are not integrated with any traffic system. We are working on integrations with leading Traffic systems and will announce any integrations on our website.

We have an auto creative import feature available for Wide Orbit Radio Automations, or any other automation system that supports FTP import.


Pricing for SPARC Media hub is based on market size. Feel free to reach out directly to us for a demo and quote. You can email us at [email protected].

Barter is available in Canada only. SPARC Media Hub is proudly represented by Orbyt Media.