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Claiming A Prize

SPARC Media Hub has made it easier than ever for a contest winner to pick their prize. 

  • Select AdminCP from the sidebar (If you do not see "AdminCP", you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Select "Prize Management" from the submenu.  (If you do not see "Prize Management", you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Select "Winner List"
  • Once on the winner list, search for your winner. You can search for the winner's name, their phone number, the date they won the prize, the name of the prize etc. 
  • Once you've located the winner click "Claim Prize". This screen will pop up. 


  • Once you've checked their ID, check off "Was ID requested during pick up?"
  • When you're ready for the winner to sign, click "Start Signature". (If you have not yet set up your tablet to receive signatures contact SPARC Media Hub support). 
  • On the tablet screen, you will see your station(s) logo(s). The winner will select which station they’ve won their prize on. (You can also select the station for them before you hand them the tablet). 
  • The winner will sign, click "Save Changes" then click "Confirm and Save". If a mistake is made they can click "Go Back" in the top right-hand corner. 
  • Once they have confirmed their signature it will appear on your screen. 

  • You can "Delete Signature" and they will be forced to sign again, create notes about the winner or if everything looks good, click "Claim Prize". You're done!