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Submitting Talkpoints to a Remote

You've scheduled your remote now you need to submit talkpoints for the jock. This is also done in SPARC Media Hub, no more emails back and forth. 

  • Click "Submit Talkpoints" in the left-hand menu. If you do not see "Submit Talkpoints" it means you have no upcoming remotes for your clients. 
  • Select the remote you'd like to submit talkpoints to in the dropdown menu. Remotes highlighted in yellow have not received talkpoints. 

  • Once you have selected the appropriate remote click "Submit Talkpoints". 
  • The next screen you will see is the "Submit Talkpoints Form". 

  • You can quickly type in talkpoints in the text box. 

  • Or upload a PDF or a Word document using the file uploader. 

  • Once you've typed or uploaded your talkpoints click "Submit Talkpoints" and you're done!