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Creating a Remote Wrap-Up Presentation

SPARC Media Hub makes it easier than ever to create a remote wrap up presentation for your clients.

  • Login to SPARC Media Hub using your favourite browser
  • Select AdminCP from the sidebar (If you do not see "AdminCP", you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Select "Remote Management" from the submenu. (If you do not see "Remote Management", you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Select "Remote Dashboard" from the submenu.


  • On the right side, you’ll see “Presentations (To Do List)”

  • Select which remote you’d like to create a presentation for.
  • Select any photos from your remote that you would like to include in the presentation by clicking “Browse” under the “Upload Image Files” section.
  • Click “Add Another Photo” to add more pictures to your presentation.
  • Select any audio from your remote that you would like to include in the presentation by clicking “Browse” under the “Upload Audio Files” section.
  • Click “Add Another Clip” to add more audio to your presentation.
  • Once you’ve selected all your photos and audio click “Upload”. This may take a while depending on how many files you’re uploading.
  • If you're happy with your presentation, click "Publish and Send to Rep" at the very top of the screen. This will create a shareable link for the sales rep to send to their client. If you click “Back To AdminCP”, it will discard the remote presentation and take you back to the list of Remote Presentation.