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Creating a Station Event

Once an event request has been submitted (to learn more about submitting an Event Request click here) it appears in the Promo Drafts section of SPARC Media Hub.

  • Login to SPARC Media Hub using your favourite browser
  • Select AdminCP from the sidebar (If you do not see AdminCP, you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Select Event Management from the sub menu. (If you do not see Event Management, you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Select Promo Draftss
  • Locate the promo draft you’d like to view/edit/assign. Click “View Promo Draft” on the right side of the screen.


On this screen, you will assign promo items, a team for the event, provide instructions and assign on air mentions with the event. You can edit of the tabbed sections.


What do the tabbed sections mean? 


Event Details

This tab will show you all the info that was submitted with the Promo Request. You can make changes to this form if necessary.



Promo Items

This is where you assign all the promo items for this event. (If you have not added any promo items check out our tutorial for adding promo items.) Just check off which events are required. If an item has a number box on the right side, input the number of that item that is required.


Assign Team

This tab is where you will assign a team and tasks for the event.

Click “Add Task”. Once the “Add Task” screen pops up, assign a task and select the team member that will be assigned to that task using the dropdown menu. Click “Add Task”. Repeat as needed.



This tab is where you will give instructions to the team for the event. 



On Air Mentions

If you would like to assign on air mentions for this event to the announcers, you would do that in this tab.

Start by activating the mentions by selecting “Active” in the dropdown. 


Mentions Script: This section will tell the announcers what to read on the air.

Information/Execution: This section will tell the announcers what time, execution details or any other info they may need to know.

Select Announcer: Which announcer is this mention being assigned to?

Mention Type: Is this mention only happening one day or will need to happen over multiple days? If only one day, select “One Day Mention” in the dropdown. If it’s happening over multiple days select “Recurring Mentions”.

One Day Mention: Nice and simple. Only happens on the date you select.

Recurring Mention: Select the days of the week that the mention is happening on. Then select the start and end days using the calendar.

Min. Number of Daily Mentions: This is the minimum number of mentions that need to happen. If this number is not met by the end of the day SPARC Media Hub will automatically email an admin to notify them it was missed.

Max. Number of Daily Mentions: This is the maximum number of mentions that need to happen. Once the maximum is reached for the day the announcer will not be able to log any more mentions.

Once all the information is inputted you can either “Save as Draft” or “Save and add to Calendar”.