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Main Settings

The beautiful thing about SPARC Media Hub is how simple it is to customize the platform to meet your station's needs.

  • Select AdminCP from the left-hand manu (If you do not see AdminCP, you do not have sufficient permissions)
  • Select Super Admin from the left-hand menu. (If you do not see Super Admin, you do not have sufficient permissions)

  • Select Config System Settings

  • By default you will see Main Settings
  • Change settings accordingly

Company Name (Long): Your company name and market. This is used is on Remote Presentations. Ex: ABC123 Broadcasting Dallas

Company Name (Short): A shortened version of your company name. Only used for internal use. Ex: ABC123

Feedback Email Recipient: This is used if you would rather have your staff's feedback emails go to a person within your organization instead of sending directly to SPARC Media Hub development staff. 

Remote Street Team Settings: This gives you three options for street team to be assigned to remotes.

1) Allow Reps to Choose - Account Executives can request street team for remotes.

2) Always Require - No option is given to request street team. Street team is automatically assigned to the remote.

3) Never Require - No option is given to request street team. Street team is never assigned to any remotes.

Remote Daily Limit: Change the number of remotes per day. You can change this at anytime. Changing this will allow for sales reps to book a specified number of remotes per day, per station. Any remotes currently booked will not be affected should you lower the limit when remotes are already booked. If there is one day that you need to book more than the specified number, you can temporarily change the number to allow that one remote to be booked, then revert the setting to your needs.

Remote Weekly Limit: Change the maximum number of remotes per week for all stations.

Tablet Signature Link: This is the URL link that is used for digital signature on a tablet for prize winners. 

Auto Approve Mentions in Campaigns: Have this setting set to "Yes" to automatically approve mention requests within Campaigns. 

Auto Approve Giveaways in Campaigns: Have this setting set to "Yes" to automatically approve giveaway requests within Campaigns.

 Show Available Status In Campaigns: Have this setting set to "Yes" to show a flag on campaigns if they are available to be sold to a client.