1. Click on AdminCP

2. Click on Mention Management

3. Click on Create New Mention

4. Select a client from the "Select Client" dropdown

5. You can also search within the dropdown. Click on the client for this mention/liner.

6. Give your mention a title. This is what will be displayed for the on-air team.

7. Add your script
You can use the type tools to customize your script.

8. Add any addition information or execution instructions

9. Select the station where this mention will be airing

10. Next select your daypart

11. You can select multiple dayparts by checking off any that apply

12. There are three types of mentions

13. We'll start with One Day Mention. This type of mention occurs on one singular day

14. Next select the date for this mention.

15. Use the left and right arrows to move between months on the calendar widget

16. Select your date

17. Next, click on Edit Assignments

18. Add the number of mentions for each daypart listed. In our example we want one mention in the morning show

19. And one mention in the afternoon show

20. Down in the left-hand corner you will see the total amount of mentions scheduled for the day

21. Click Create Mention and you're done!

22. The second type of mention is a "Recurring Auto Mention." This spans over several days but has the same amount of mentions each day for the dayparts selected.

23. The first step is to select the days of the week you'd like to air this mention/liner. In our example, we'll run this mention/liner Mon-Fri.
You can click anywhere on the day of the week or the checkbox to select that day.

24. Next, select your start and end dates for the mention.

25. Select your start date on the left calendar

26. And your end date on the right calendar

27. Click on Apply

28. Next, click on Edit Assignments

29. Assign the daily number of mentions for each daypart. In our example, we'll assign one per day to the morning show

30. And one for the afternoon show.

31. On the right-hand side of the daily assignments you'll see the total number of mentions per day for all dayparts

32. In the bottom left-hand corner you'll see the total number of mentions scheduled for the duration of your selected dates

33. Click on Create Mention and you're done!

34. The final type of mention is "Recurring Manual Mentions." This allows you to manually schedule each day over a span of days for your mention to air.

35. Select your days of the week

36. And your start and end dates

37. Next, click on Edit Assignments

38. Starting with the first field, start assigning each day for each daypart.
Tip: Hit "Tab" on your keyboard to quickly move through each day/daypart.

39. As you're scheduling all your mentions you will see the total for each day on the right-hand side of each day's assignments

40. In the bottom left-hand corner you'll see the total number of mentions scheduled for the duration of your dates so far

41. Once you've scheduled your assignments for each day and daypart, click "Create Mention"