1. Click on AdminCP

2. Click on User Management

3. Click on Edit User Groups

4. Locate the user group, you'd like to modify approvers for campaigns.

5. Click on Edit Group

6. To allow a user to approve entire campaigns, check off the permission "Campaign Manager (Admin)"
This allows any users in this group to approve, modify, or cancel entire campaigns.

7. To allow a user to only approve Mention requests within campaigns, check off the permission "Approve Mentions"

8. To allow a user to only approve Contest/Giveaway requests within campaigns, check off the permission "Approve Giveaways"

9. To allow a user to only approve Remote requests within campaigns, scroll down to the "Remote Permissions" section.

10. You'll need to check off three permissions: "View All Remotes", "Manage Remote Assignments" and "View Remote Assignments."
All three permissions are needed for anyone approving and assigning a team to any remote.

11. When you're done modifying that user group, click on Save User Group at the bottom of the screen.